Paradise Valley Hospital Excels in Treatment Outcomes for Heart Attack, Hip Fracture, and GI Bleed.
Paradise Valley Hospital is 5-star rated for treatment outcomes for heart attack, hip fracture, and GI bleeding according to new research released by Healthgrades, the leading resource that connects consumers, physicians, and health systems.
Paradise Valley Hospital is a member of Prime Healthcare, one of the nation’s largest health systems with 46 hospitals in 14 states. This year, Prime hospitals received a combined 295 awards from Healthgrades including 5-Star designations, Specialty Excellence Awards, and America’s 100 Best By Specialty.
Every year, Healthgrades evaluates hospital performance at nearly 4,500 hospitals nationwide for 32 of the most common inpatient procedures and conditions using Medicare data, and additional analyzes outcomes in appendectomy and bariatric surgery using all-payer data provided by 16 states.
This analysis shows that patients treated at hospitals receiving a 5-star rating have a lower risk of dying and a lower risk of experiencing one or more complications during a hospital stay than if they were treated at hospitals receiving a 1-star rating in that procedure or condition. From 2017 through 2019, if all hospitals as a group performed similarly to hospitals receiving 5-stars as a group, on average, 218,785 lives could potentially have been saved and complications in 148,681 patients could potentially have been avoided.*
“Hospital quality has never been more important, and consumers are becoming more aware of the importance of researching where they receive care before they visit a hospital for a specific procedure or condition,” said Brad Bowman, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Healthgrades. “Hospitals that receive a Healthgrades 5-star rating generally demonstrate exceptional outcomes and their ability to provide quality care for patients.”
Paradise Valley Hospital CEO Neerav Jadeja expresses gratitude to the employees of the hospital for this distinction. “When it comes to our hospital, we feel our work says all there is to say about us,” says Jadeja. “To be recognized among the best in the nation accurately reflects the character and skill of our staff and physicians. They should all take pride in this achievement. I know I’m proud of them.”
Paradise Valley Hospital was awarded by the American Heart Association with Gold+ Quality Achievement Awards for the treatment of Heart Failure and Stroke, and has been awarded the Healthgrades Patient Safety Excellence Award for the past seven consecutive years (2014-2020).
For its analysis, Healthgrades evaluated approximately 45 million Medicare inpatient records for nearly 4,500 short-term acute care hospitals nationwide to assess hospital performance in 32 common conditions and procedures, and evaluated outcomes in appendectomy and bariatric surgery using all-payer data provided by 16 states. Healthgrades recognizes a hospital’s quality achievements for cohort-specific performance, specialty area performance, and overall clinical quality. Individual procedure or condition cohorts are designated as 5-star (statistically significantly better than expected), 3-star (not statistically different from expected) and 1-star (statistically significantly worse than expected). View the full list of Specialty Excellence Award(tm) recipients here. The complete Healthgrades 2021 Report to the Nation and detailed study methodology, can be found at
* Statistics are based on Healthgrades analysis of MedPAR data for years 2017 through 2019 and represent three-year estimates for Medicare patients only. For appendectomy and bariatric surgery, Healthgrades used inpatient data from 16 states that provide all-payer data for years 2016 through 2018.